I wish to sell hair extensions in New York

Sometimes I travel to New York and when I tell people I am in the hair business, many of them tell me they wish to sell hair extensions. That is of course good to hear. I always love to start a good chat about hair. Where in New York will they base their hair store? What clients will they sell to? But too many times I understand, people did not think about who they want to sell to, what kind of hair and how they will market their hair in New York. If you want to sell hair extensions in New York, you need to plan before you buy hair.

The wish to sell hair needs a follow up

It is great you want to sell hair, but that can not be the goal. Your goal of getting into the hair business is to help people in New York in need for a solution. Only when you have the solution, they will buy from you and … you can ask a right price. Your clients will only pay you if they feel you help them out. So, before you say “I wish to sell hair extensions in New York “you need to think about the person who needs hair. Hair that you might sell.

Do the opposite of what they tell you

Is it difficult to know what kind of problems people have with their hair? No. That is to be honest one of the simplest questions. In the top 50 of things people complain about in New York the most you can find bad hair days and a bad haircut. People do not mind sharing their frustration. Ask about their hair and I guarantee, you will have a long conversation. You can also check the New York hair section of Yelp, check TriBeCa Hair Studio or T gardens New York Hair salon for example. Or the reviews on the market places where they sell hair products. You can learn so much. People who are unhappy are more willing to share all this. Use this to listen to their hair needs.

You soon will discover they will not only tell you I wish to buy hair extensions; no, they will tell you exactly what their problem is. And if you want to start selling, all you must do is to do a complete 180 for every problem they have.

  • Waiting too long for receiving the hair? Make sure your logistics are top performing!
  • Bad hair? Only go for the best quality and test the hair repeatedly.
  • Price too high? Be critical for every cent you spent, only buy what is necessary. And plan your purchase to benefit as much as possible of any wholesale discount.

Call a supplier and sell hair extensions in New York

Now you know what your clients need, you are well informed to start the conversation with hair suppliers. If you still have questions on how to mirror the problems of your clients, call our sales team for a free chat about how you can start selling hair. I am sure we can work this out!

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